Raphidorphora decursiva

Commonly called the Dragon Tail Plant, Creeping Philodendron, Monstera Decursiva. While called the “Creeping Philodendron”, it is not a monstera or philodendron. The foliage has broad leaves that change shape as it matures. But it does indeed creep! It will slowly climb up whatever support it finds as it unfurls its ever-growing leaves towards the light. Young leaves are bluish-green, but as they grow larger and more mature, they become dark green. 

In its native environment, this climbing tropical plant grows up tree trunks in the forest understory and is accustomed to dappled sunlight. When grown indoors, it does best in a location that receives several hours of bright, indirect light.

PLEASE NOTE, these plants are Toxic to Children, Dogs and Cats!

Things You Need To Know

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