Monstera adansonii
(Swiss Cheese Plant)
The genus Monstera is named from the Latin word for "monstrous" or "abnormal", and refers to the unusual leaves with natural holes that members of the genus have. Its popular name as a houseplant of "Swiss cheese plant", commonly stated to refer to the "eyes" or holes which develop in its leaves similar to the holes in some Swiss-type cheeses.
Wild seedlings grow towards the darkest area they can grow until they find a tree trunk, then start to grow up towards the light, creeping up the tree. (Wikipedia)
PLEASE NOTE: These plants are Toxic To Dogs and Cats.
Things You Need To Know
An Indoor plant that does best in the morning sunlight, or all day in indirect sunlight, and rotate occasionally.
Beautiful white flowers, called a "Spadix", will appear in a few months.
Prefers a moist, but not waterlogged soil. Allow the topsoil to dry before watering again, about once every week.
3-5 feet as a houseplant, and up to 13 feet as a vine or trellis.
Can be arranged with other plants, but be mindful of the vines.
Very good as a houseplant, but be mindful not to over water.